
Sunday, August 18, 2013

Demolition to Widen Egypt Rd.

The view along Egypt road has already changed since the beginning of 2013. Widening of Egypt Road near the eastbound entrance to US 422 is a part of the change. The widening will continue on the same side of the road going towards Phoenixville.

Work has already started between between Cresson Blvd. and Oaks Deli and Pizzeria.

The house there is unoccupied and the driveway and front lawn was dug up for utility work.

From the alignment of the utility poles, the patio outside Oaks Deli and Pizzeria just might be reduced in size by the road widening. 

Two buildings west of Mill Rd. have been stripped of all their asbestos shingles.


The building with the cupola at the intersection of Egypt Rd. and Station Ave. that is extremely close to the road was prepared for demolition. 

As is the adjacent brick building to the west on Egypt Rd.

The semi-detached houses seem to be the last on Egypt Rd. scheduled for demolition.

The view facing Norristown along Egypt Rd. from Brower Ave. will certainly be different by the end of 2013.

©Damyon T. Verbo - all rights reserved

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